Self Care Practices for Good days and Bad Days — From Be Inspired..!!

Be Inspired..!!

Your body sends constant signals, telling you what’s good for you and what’s not working.  It has an inner guidance system that tries to get you to pay attention to any adjustments you need to make in your life.  For example, your headache and tense shoulders may be a sign of an unresolved issue that’s causing you distress.  Inconvenient as they are, these pains are your allies, begging you to look up and see what’s not working in your life.  It’s easy to become too busy and ignore any discomfort in our bodies until it becomes worse.  Don’t ignore potentially important messages from your body! 

Here are some of the self care practices for good days:

  1. Meditate
  2. Practice Yoga
  3. Declutter your closet
  4. Write a list of things you love about yourself. 
  5. Practice Gratitude
  6. Watch the sunrise/sunset
  7. Practice positive affirmations 
  8. Walk in nature 
  9. Stargaze
  10. . Exfoliate and moisture your skin
  11. . Visit…

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and for the Bad days too. X

Many of us have so many responsibilities in life that we forget to take care of ourselves. And while it’s hard to prioritize something like taking a bath when you have so many other priorities in life, self care is an important aspect of stress management. There are days when one after the others everything […]

via Self Care Practices for Bad Days — Be Inspired..!!